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Educatio 2024 – Report on the Pasta Bridge-breaking Event

We had quite a few visitors on the first day as well, but on Friday at least twice as many of you came and showed interest, for which we are very grateful! We hope that our students and instructors were able to provide you with a lot of useful information and that you also liked the interesting things at our stand.

One such event was our Pasta Bridge-building demonstration, scheduled for 2 p.m. The competition of building bridges out of pasta has a long-standing tradition at the Bánki Faculty; the task is for our students to build bridges or load-bearing structures from 1 kg of commercially available pasta under strict rules, and these are tested with a machine designed and built for this purpose by Professor Zoltán Laky to determine the load-bearing capacity of the structures. Most of the structures, which often end with a loud crack, are not only built for our in-house competitions but also for the RECCS Pasta Bridge World Championship, organized by the Bánki Faculty of Óbuda University, where student competitors from all over the world participate.

The demonstration at Educatio yielded impressive results. The student trio of Mátyás Pompor, Péter Kovács, and László Schäffer, who also participated in last year’s final in-house competition, improved their result this time – while their structure achieved a load-bearing capacity of 313.9 kg then, their structure named “Beambi” withstood 385.1 kg this time. Péter Várkonyi and Áron Dósa’s structure, “Kázmér,” held up to 182.9 kg, while Nándor Unyi’s bridge structure, “Kop 2,” withstood 64.5 kg. Congratulations to our students for the excellent demonstration!

For the 10th Jubilee of RECCS

The 10th Jubilee RECCS World Championship in Spaghetti Building was supposed to take place in 2020, and we were very much looking forward to it. Unfortunately, due to the virus situation, we were unable to hold it, and therefore we couldn’t compete live.

However, we didn’t want RECCS to be forgotten, so we recalled some pleasant memories from past years on the originally scheduled date of the competition. Please enjoy this small compilation.

Summary of RECCS 2019 Championship

On May 23, 2019, one of the University’s largest internationally recognized championship, the RECCS Ledge Building World Championship, was successfully completed. At the event, which was held for the ninth time, nine of the 11 registered countries were represented by the total of 19 teams, with 22 pasta bridges. The Obuda University has delegated six teams (five teams from the Bánki Faculty, which started the RECCS World Championships, further to the point the Keleti Faculty of Business and Management and the Kandó Faculty of Electrical Engineering was represented by a team and a student). A team of St István University, Miklós Ybl Architecture Faculty, three teams from Brazil, two from Poland, two from Transylvania and other participants from Bulgaria, Turkey, Germany, Lithuania and Latvia have participated.

Team registration began at 7 am, and the contestants continuously arrived with their structures. After 9 o’clock, the jury members reviewed and evaluated the bridges, and the spectators also gathered, so the auditorium in the campus of the Bécsi Street, which served as the venue of the race, was full of people. The opening ceremony began a few minutes after 10 o’clock, the narrator was Dr. Tibor Kovács, associate professor, and the interpreter was Éva Kovács. We have invited István Tarlós, mayor of Budapest, to attend the World Championship, who was represented by Dr. Balázs Szeneczey the vice mayor of Budapest, who greeted the audience. The president of the competition was Prof. Dr. Zoltán Rajnai dean, honorary president was Prof. Dr. Mihály Réger rector. The president of the jury is Dr. István Oldal, vice president of Mechanical Engineering, of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineering. The other members of the jury were from teachers of the Donát Bánki Faculty of Mechanical and Security Engineering at the Obuda University, the representatives of the sponsors and the recognized personalities of other professional fields.

Prof. Dr. Mihály Réger, rector of the Obuda University, opened with his speech the World Championship.

First, there was a competition for bridges – the jury was able to evaluate 10 structures, one was outside of the racing competition. The 2013 World Record (570.3 kg, which was achieved by the students of the University of Obuda, Bánki Faculty) still has not been reached, but the results were still very nice: the Turkish team IPYMIDEAST had a load of 482.5 kg, securing their first place with it. Interestingly, this team has conquered the world record two years ago in the support category.

Brazilian Builders, a new team at RECCS World Championship, finished at the second place. As a debut of the South American joint, built an outstanding bridge with a load capacity of 355.3 kg.

Third place winner was the UTCN Transylvanian team with a load capacity of 289.6 kg.

In the second part of the world championship was the holding/bracket category, where we also saw 10 structures, and there was also a bridge outside of the competition.

At the forefront, the top runner of the category, the IPYMIDEAST team, scored 504.2 kg, which became the most competitive structure of this year’s race, though their own record of 2017 could not be broken, as this year’s structure was 162.1 kilograms less.

The second place went to the Lithuanian team Marmašeliai 4.2 runner-up, their support was 413.8 kg, before it broke.

One of the teams at the Bánki Faculty of Obuda University, namely “Dezső, must die” a duo with a load of 359.4 kg finished at third place.

The large number of audience and competitors were invited for a sandwich lunch on the hanging corridor of the Bécsi Street campus, while the jury compiled the final result. After the break Dr. József Gáti, the rector’s general counselor held his closing remarks, and then the result was announced.

Prizes for the first three runners-up of the two categories were presented by, Prof. Dr. Mihály Réger, rector, Gabriella Földesi chancellor, Dr. József Gáti rector’s general counselor, Dr. István Oldal vice president and Prof. Dr. Zoltán Rajnai dean of the Bánki Faculty.

This year’s special prize of aesthetic was given to the team named Averi Stroy and to their structure under the same name from Bulgaria.

The Special Prize for Innovation was won by the Domiró Bridge of our University Domino team with its unique structure.

The special prize of the best cross-border Hungarian team was handed over by Gábor Bokros, Deputy Director of Marketing, to the UTCN of Cluj team, with the generous offer of Gyermelyi Zrt.

The Mechanical Engineering Division of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers has been awarded a special prize for the best Hungarian mechanical team, which was a different team from the “Dezső must die” of Bánki’s team. This was handed over by Dr. István Oldal, vice president of Mechanical Engineering at the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers.

The special award of the Obuda University has been given to the “Stars of Eger” group by Prof. Dr. Réger Mihály rector.

The special prize of the Student Union of the Obuda University was presented to the Bánki’s team of “Etil Brigade”, by Prof. Dr. Zoltán Rajnai, dean.

The special prize of the Bánki Faculty was handed over to the Domino team by Chancellor Gabriella Földesi.

In addition, the Bridge Builders Association offered special prizes to all competitors, congratulating them on their outstanding performances.

Many people on the site were bustling through the breaks, and numerous others were able to watch the events from the live YouTube stream. There was a large number of press staff at represent to report, and to interview. As with the competitors, both the organizers and the sponsors have done their best to create a good atmosphere and a fair competition.

It was a special joy for our University that this time the best teams of three continents measured their knowledge and skills on RECCS, and that not only the teams of the Obuda University, but also of other Hungarian institutions participated in the event.